They moved J's leave date again {{Yes! A-FREAKING-gain!! That's four times if you're counting. But I'm definitely not.}} He now leaves five days sooner than we were thinking. So, I have been thinking all day about goodies I can make for the guys on their trip. J's last trip home they got stuck on a plane for three days and all they got to eat was plane food. Yum. I was thinking it might be nice to send him with a shit-ton {{real measurement of weight}} of baked goods in case they get stuck somewhere {{and to kill the feelings}}. I know I don't talk about Pinterest very much {{Ha!}}, but I've been scouring it for a good part of the day
{{Images are property of their respective owners. If you'd like the link to any of these recipes let me know and I will send it to you. I'm too lazy to link them all up right now.}}
I've been drooling over all these recipes most of the morning and if I end up baking as much as I'd like to I'll need to stay on the elliptical for the better part of the next three weeks... But you cant serve food you haven't tested and you can't kill feelings with brownies you don't eat.
True story.
sure you can make them without testing; it is not as much fun. you have worked REALLY HARD to lose your weight so make them for J and his buddies and wrap them up quickly. Probably the sturdier baked goods will travel better than the gooey ones. Thinking of you as J gets ready to go. SOOOO glad Ashley cam spend time with you next week. Love, Marion
Yes, yes, yes. Yum.
Yum! I just couldn't keep away from the sweets today...2 sugar cookies, some truffles and some change later, I'm sure I've gained 10 lbs. Oh well ;-P
All worth it in the end because YES, it does help kill the feelings!
Happy Valentine's day!
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