1.) Blog More. Done! I've really enjoyed the outlet and also love when people tell me how much they are enjoying reading. Read about the milestone I reached here.
2.) Potting train Bug. Fail. The kids just not ready. Read about some of our adventures here
3.) Lose 8-10lbs. Drum roll please!! Since Jan 1st, I have lost a total of eleven pounds! WOO HOO!! {{Happy Dance!}} But I have been seriously kicking my own butt. Read about Slap Boxing With Tony Horton here. When Tony and I broke up, I turned to my elliptical {{Old Trusty}}, I've been walking with friends as often as possible and started doing my portion of a walk to Afghanistan, I completed 116 miles in the month of January. I also try and squeeze in some fitness-band work when I have two minutes here and there throughout the day. All of this, plus calorie counting on MFP, has led to my success this month. Let's talk numbers: my original weight when I joined MFP was 173. Minus this month's 11 pounds and I am currently at 162 {{yay I can do math!}}. My ultimate weight loss goal is 138 which means I still have 24 pounds to go.
4.) Days 1-30 of P90X. FAIL.
5.) Write a Business Plan for SBE. I haven't and I doubt I will. I am kind of at a fork in the road with it and am not sure which direction to go.
6.) Clean my office. Done!
7.) Date my husband. We actually did get one in. On his birthday we were able to get out for dinner and a movie. His birthday, his choice. We saw Mission Impossible 3 {{or was it 4?}} and it was surprisingly good and even though I hadn't seen the others, I was able to follow the story line. Also, we are planning a dinner date before he leaves.
8.) Take more pictures. According to my camera I have taken 343 pictures since the 3rd. I'm calling this a DONE!
9.)Planning a wine tasting party. The point of the party was to distract me from J's deployment. They changed his leave date three times and one of them was out into March. Due to that, I decided to pass this goal to February and make it happen sometime in the middle of March. {{But lets be honest, I dont really need a reason to drink wine. I'll drink it to pretty much anything ;o) }}
10.) Paint the LR. The crayoned walls in the LR have been painted over. I still need to do one wall and the accent wall. These will take me a day to do we just need more paint {{thank goodness its almost payday!}}
Now it's on to February. February is going to be a busy month, but I am looking forward to completing some new projects and getting in to a new hobby. Stay Tuned...

11 pounds in a month?!?! you go girl!
I tried to reply to the comment you left on my blog but you don't have your reply to email set up ={ JC has some step by step instructions on how to do that here {http://www.meandmysoldierman.com/2010/03/little-random.html}. That way when you leave a comment, I can write you back =}
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